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• Hipster Smackdown

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Mô tả:
Frustrated, irritated or just plain confused by the rising Hipster population? If so, then Hipster SMACKDOWN is for you!
48 levels and 3 different locations challenge you to smack the hipster and get him as far away from you as possible!
The additional Endless SMACKDOWN mode lets you play...endlessly, and compete for high scores and greater distances via instant posting of your magnificent achievements on Facebook.
Equip the hapless hipster in various costumes and accessories like the Rocket Pack or Chicken Suit, which grant special abilities for going even further and gaining higher scores!
- Amazing graphics that maintain artistic integrity without selling out.
- Challenging gameplay that you can enjoy without looking like you care.
- Original soundtrack featuring a composer that none of your friends have heard of!
- Cheap in-App purchases that even a student can afford!

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QRCode: Tải Nhanh

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