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• Crash Drive 2

tải về:  Tại đây

Mô tả:
Free from A10: A sequel to the awesome Crash Drive 3D! Pick your car at the garage and get ready for some ridiculously fun free-roaming.
Whether you're driving a bus, a classic muscle car, or a monster truck—you go your own way in this multiplayer stunting game. Speed across a huge map equipped with plenty of bizarre terrain to make the race intense. Collect coins, upgrade your ride, and WIN the offroad race!
⊗ Multiplayer gameplay
⊗ 6 random competitive events: Coin Collect, King of the Crown, Race, Tag, Stunt, Find the Ring
⊗ 4 huge levels to explore…can you find all the secret areas?
⊗ Highscores and leaderboards
⊗ Free credits every day you play
⊗ 30 unique levels to unlock
⊗ Special car-leveling system

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